ئايرىلغانلارغا خوش ئەمدى

سېنتەبىر 27, 2010 2 ئىنكاس

ئادەم نىمىگە كۆنمەيدۇ، نىمەر كېلىپ نىمىلەر كەتمەيدۇ؟ دەسلەپتە تۇنۇشقاندا شۇنداق دوستانە ۋە ھۆرمەت ئىكراملار بىلەن، ئەمدى بولسىچۇ؟ بەزىلەرنىڭ پىخسىقلىقىغا كۈنۈپ كەتتۇق، دىندىكى ئىككى يۇزلىمىلىكىگە كۈنۈپ كەتتۇق، يالغانچىلىقىغا كۈنۈپ كەتتۇق.

زەييېد قايتقاندا سوۋغا ئېلىپ يولغا سالدۇن، ئارقىدىن يەنە بىر-نەچچىسى قايتىپ كەتتى، ئۇلارنىمۇ شۇنداق يۇسۇندا ئۇزاتتۇق، كەتتى، غايىپ بولدى، خەتمۇ يازمىدى، ۋەياكى تىلفۇنمۇ قىلمىدى، يېڭىلار ئۈزۈلمەستىن كېلىپ تۇردى، كونىلار ئۈزۈلمەستىن كېتىپ تۇردى، كۈتىۋېلىش ۋە ئۇزىتىشنىڭ شەكىللىرى ئاددىيلاشتى، بەزىدە بىر ئېغىز خوشمۇ ئارتۇقچە بۇلۇپ قالدى، كەتتى تارىخقا ئايلاندى، ئەسلىمىلا بولدى خالاس…

مەخمۇد كەتتى، قول ئېلىپ كۈرۈشۈپ ئۇزاتتىم، مۇھەممەد فەرىد كەتتى، ياسىر كەتتى، ناگاھ كەتتى، چوڭ ئەخمەد كەتتى، ئەخمەد سەيىد ۋە ئائىلىدىكىسىلەر كەتتى، دىلبەر زۇزۇ بىلەن يىغلىشىپ خوشلاشتى…

Linda كەتتى، rubyكەتتى، annieكەتتى، Wang Yuanyuan كەتتى، ئۇندىن بۇرۇن كەتكەت نەچچىسىنىڭ ئىسىملىرى يادىمدىنمۇ چىقىپ قالدى…

كەتلەرگە خوش، مۇشۇ يازغان بىر پارچە خاتىرەم ئەسلىمەم بۇلۇپ قالار، ھەتتا مۇشۇ خاتىردىكىلەرنىڭ ئىسىمىنىمۇ ئۇنتۇپ كېتىشىم مۇمكىن، كۇچىلاردا ئۇچۇرشۇپ قالغاندا ئەسلىيەلمەيمۇ قېلىشىم مۇمكىن، كەچۈرۈڭلار، ھەممىڭلارغا بەخىت تىلەيمەن، ئەسلىيەلەڭلەر ۋەياكى ئونتۇپ كېتىڭلار، خۇددى ماڭا ئۇخشاش، ئەمما مەندىن ئاداۋەت ساقلىمايلار، ئەگەر بۇرۇن توغرا قىلمىغان يەرلىرىم بولسا.




Mariam: My second daughter

ئاۋغۇست 18, 2010 باھا يېزىش

Thanks god for my second daughter Mariam June 12, 2010, a lovely girl as her old sister Rukayya, wish God protect them all and keep them healthy, happy, smart and be kind all the time.



Recession sparks interest in Islamic finance

سېنتەبىر 2, 2009 باھا يېزىش

Islamic finance is estimated to be worth $700 billion and has been growing by 15 to 20 percent per year.

LONDON, England (CNN) — With irresponsible banking practices taking the blame for bringing about the global economic crisis, there has been a surge of interest in Islamic finance.

Islamic finance is estimated to be worth $700 billion and has been growing by 15 to 20 percent per year.

Now, a slew of academic courses are springing up to meet the demand of those wanting to break into an expanding market.

According to ratings agency Moody’s, the global Islamic finance sector is worth $700 billion and has the potential to be worth $4 trillion.

What’s more, the ethical principles underpinning Islamic finance are seen by some as offering a more sustainable alternative to profit-oriented conventional banking. The result is that academic institutions are lining up to offer formal training in the area.

"There is a huge demand for Islamic finance courses now, so large that it’s difficult to cope with," Professor Habib Ahmed, Sharjah chair in the school of government and international affairs at Durham University, England, told CNN.

Durham will launch a Masters degree in Islamic finance from October, becoming one of a number of European institutions to offer Islamic finance programs.

"Islamic finance has been growing by 15 to 20 percent per year for some time and there is a lot of interest at the moment. People are looking for alternatives after the economic crisis."

"Islamic economists believe that if the principles of Islamic finance were followed the crisis wouldn’t have happened. We are seeing a lot of non-Muslim countries, including the UK, France, Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore encouraging Islamic finance," he said.

There are many differences between Islamic and conventional banking practices. One fundamental difference is that Islamic banks do not charge interest. Rather than borrowers and lenders, the system is based on buyers and sellers.

"Conventional banking is biased to the seller. Islamic finance is trying to level the ethics between the two parties," Aly Khorshid, an Islamic finance scholar who writes for Islamic Banking and Finance magazine, told CNN.

"People think the Islamic system is based on faith, but it’s based on justice. The system is based on justice for the two parties and how you get to the justice is extracted from Islamic faith," he said.

Khorshid said that there are similarities between "ethical investment" schemes and Islamic finance, in that the Islamic system does not allow investment that harms people or the environment. He credits the rapid growth of the Islamic finance sector on the success of "sukuk" — Islamic bonds.

In the West, banks including Lloyds TSB, HSBC, Deutsche Bank and Citibank all offer Islamic finance products, catering to a niche market of Muslim borrowers.

But while Islamic banks allow Muslims to take advantage of financial services that are consistent with their religious beliefs, it is the ethics underpinning Islamic finance that are attracting the interest of conventional finance institutions keen to learn lessons from the banking crisis.

Although Islamic banks have suffered from the global repercussions of the economic downturn, they emerged largely unscathed from the initial banking meltdown that brought about that financial turmoil.

Ahmed told CNN that is because Islamic banks are not allowed to deal in mortgage-backed securities or credit-default swaps, two of the practices accused of helping bring about the banking crisis.

Khorshid said that although it’s too early to say if Islamic finance has dealt with economic downturn better than conventional finance, the Islamic system has many more layers of risk assessment and management, which could help protect it from the problems afflicting conventional banks.

But the growth of Islamic finance has brought its own problems. Critics say some banks use Islamic finance to package what are essentially conventional products. "Islamic banks are also driven by the profit motive and sometimes that can dominate the ethics," Ahmed told CNN.

While Europe is catching up with the demand for these banking products, the U.S. is lagging behind. Ahmed says that regulatory and legal changes are needed for Islamic finance to grow in the U.S., but he adds there are signs that Canada may become a North American center for Islamic finance.

The lack of Islamic finance services in the U.S. is reflected in a relative lack of demand for Islamic finance courses, but in the UK there is the opposite problem.

With students coming from Asia and the Middle East to get the qualifications that will help them take advantage of the Islamic finance boom, Ahmed says it is difficult for universities to find qualified teaching staff. "Most people with PhDs in Islamic finance are working in the industry, making a lot of money," he told CNN.

He added that Islamic finance products have the potential to appeal to the non-Muslims market, pointing out that in Malaysia the majority of customers for Islamic banks aren’t Muslims.

"If people look at the principles they’ll see something beneficial in terms of economics, rather than just religious reasons. It’s a type of ethical finance that may be attractive to a lot of people."

سەھىپىلەر:Web Collection

Baby Photos

سېنتەبىر 1, 2009 باھا يېزىش

Give me one more chance

ئاۋغۇست 25, 2009 باھا يېزىش

“I wanna drink water “ my daughter said after we all ready for sleep.

“sleep!” her mother order her as she already lie down and lazy to take her to drink water.

My daughter stand up on the bed and said :” Please, I beg you, give me one more chance…”

We all laugh and her mother get up…


想念 2006-10-06

ئاۋغۇست 25, 2009 باھا يېزىش


ئاللاھنىڭ رەھمىتىنى تىلەيمەن، قىزىمنى سېغىندىم، رەببىمدىن سەۋىرچانچىق تىلەيمەن، ھەم رىببىمدىن قىزىمنىڭ تىنىنى سالامەت قىلىشىنى، ئەقىللىق، ئىمانلىق ۋە بىلىملىك مۇسلىم قىزلىرىدىن بۇلۇپ چوڭ بۇلىشىنى تىلايمەن، ئى ئاللاھ، ھەممىمىزگە رەھمەت قىلغايسىز، بىزنىڭ قىلغان ئەجىرمىزنى بىلمەسلىك سەۋەبىدىن قىلىپ سالغان خاتالىقلىرىمىز سەۋەبىدىن بىكار قىلىۋەتمىگەيسىز، يا رەب، بىزنى كۇتكەن مەنزىلىمىزگە يەتكۇزگەيسىز، بىزگە ھەقىقى غەلبە ئاتا قىلغايسىز، امىن


Happy Ramadan

ئاۋغۇست 22, 2009 باھا يېزىش

It has been long since I posted my last blog on blogspot, and that site is not opening in china mainland, So I still returned to My Space, much more “Stable”…

Today is the first day of Ramadan, the holy month of Islam, in which Muhammad (SAW) had started receiving the Holy Quran, and devoted to be in peace, friendship and the charity, all goodness in brief… Hope the peace for all Muslim and mankind lasts for ever.



يانۋار 8, 2009 باھا يېزىش

从美国次贷位置开始的金融危机感觉已经明显的影响到个人生活,以前只是想到这仅仅是一种金融方面的,宏观性的危机,不应该对象我们这样平民生活不应该带来什么影响,,, 但现在觉得这个社会已经非常的金融化,或者是说金融已经深刻的融入到当今社会的各个方面。



دېكابىر 20, 2008 باھا يېزىش

真的,无论我是对你怎么的抱怨,埋怨你说多话,埋怨你不把精力放在家里,,,,,, 埋怨你许许多多, 但我心里始终明白,你是个合格的母亲,你是个负有责任的母亲。


My Doughter is just growing up

نويابىر 8, 2008 باھا يېزىش

Last, when the first time when my doughter mentioned a name "Du Du" and I asked her who is that? and she told me it was a little dog,,, and yesterday evening when we are going out for dinner, she has mentioned another child (I did not remember the name) as a very poor who has no mother and father beside.
It is first time that my doughter mention someone else I do not know, and I feel first time she know something that I do not know, I’m feeling she is growing up and she will grow up too, she will learn even more thing beside my knowledge, will takes steps to the new world that we did not and that we do not know…
That what every child do when they grow up from the child to the yough to the adult, I just hope she is JUST FINE, WITH CORRECT RELIGION AND LOVE TO HES CREATOE- THE MIGHTY ALLAH !
